Currency rates import from

Hello colleagues,

Usually we setup procedure, that automatically imports currency rates from bank.
I share the procedure for currency rates import from ( Implemented call to the web service method GetCursOnDate.
Clr procedure is run at the MS SQL database level. There is no need to run Terrasoft application for such import.

For installing it You should do these steps:
1. Copy ClrBPMAExchangeRatesRU.dll and ClrBPMAExchangeRatesRU.XmlSerializers.dll to the MS SQL database server. (In the example the path is used: D:\BPMSolutions\Integrations\ExchangeRatesRU\)
2. Run scripts, located in the RecreateProcedures.sql file. Note: Check Microsoft documentation and make sure, these configuration changes will not affect Your DB negative.
3. Load TS service tbl_ExchangeRatesTmp.xml
4. Run bsp_ImportCurrencyRatesRU.sql for creating stored procedure, that imports data to Terrasoft currency table. You can modify it by Your needs.
5. Use ImportCurrencyRatesTask.sql and ImportCurrencyRatesTask.bat to setup MS Windows scheduled task for running the procedure or run it as database job.
All files ar attached:

Solution is tested in TS 3.3.2, but can easy be modified for TS 3.4.0.



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