Hello, colleagues,
has anyone tried and tested migration from TS 3.3.1 to TS 3.4.0 in the way, when only binary files are replaced from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 and tbl_DatabaseInfo is updated? The same way, which is discribed for 3.3.2. -> 3.4.0 at https://community.terrasoft.ua/blogs/6982.
А лицензии у вас 3.4 или 3.3? Я пытался запустить 3.3.2 базу на 3.4 бинарниках, но не получилось, так как лицензии должны быть на 3.4.
Yes, You have to have 3.4 licenses and load them, when running 3.4 binaries with 3.3.2 database. We tried it in one project - it works.
Customer, who has 3.3.1, will buy 3.4 licenses, only the question is if 3.4 binaries can work with 3.3.1 database. Before buying, we have to try and test. Maybe someone already did it? :)
Hello Aurimas,
Personally I didn't solve this task, but one of our client had an experience. He had an issue with integrating with Outlook, and the problem was that macroses didn't work correctly. As I remember the solution was to update services which reply to Outlook integration from 3.4.0 version.
About other his problems after updating tbl_DatabaseInfo I don't know
I could not run 3.3.1 database with binaries.
I added DatabaseBuildVersion to tbl_DatabaseInfo and updated.
UPDATE [tbl_DatabaseInfo] SET [DatabaseMajorVersion] = 3, [DatabaseMinorVersion] = 4, [DatabaseReleaseVersion] = 0, [DatabaseBuildVersion] = 113
When running 3.4.0 License manager, I get this error:
Does it mean, that application should be upgraded from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 first?
3.3.1 does not have DatabaseBuildVersion column in tbl_DatabaseInfo table so you will have to add it manually too:
ALTER TABLE tbl_DatabaseInfo ADD DatabaseBuildVersion INT NULL update tbl_DatabaseInfo set DatabaseBuildVersion = 1
Yes, I added this column before I ran 3.4.0 binaires, but the result is the same.
I think you should update service 'tbl_DatabaseInfo' or just load this service from 3.4.0 original database into your database tbl_databaseinfo.rar
Don't forget to make a reserve copy of your current 'tbl_DatabaseInfo' service
Hello Aurimas, there is the difference in stored procedure tsp_GetLoginInfo which cause an error you faced, you shoud update it from 3.4.0 this would add missing column @DatabaseBuildVersion in it's body and Terrasoft will run after you add products JobManager and Dictionary in LicenseManager
And previous comment by Александр Кудряшов is also right
ALTER procedure [dbo].[tsp_GetLoginInfo]( @UserName sysname) as begin /* ** Get Login Info. */ if (@UserName = '') begin set @UserName = SYSTEM_USER end set nocount on if ((is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') <> 1 or is_member('db_owner') <> 1) and (@UserName <> SYSTEM_USER)) begin goto result end /* ** Declarations. */ declare @DatabaseID uniqueidentifier declare @ParentDatabaseID uniqueidentifier declare @DatabaseMajorVersion int declare @DatabaseMinorVersion int declare @DatabaseReleaseVersion int declare @UseCache int declare @ServiceModifiedOn datetime declare @ServiceDeletedOn datetime declare @ServerSessionsInfo nvarchar(2000) declare @UserID uniqueidentifier declare @ContactUserName nvarchar(250) declare @AccountContactUserName nvarchar(250) declare @UserContactID uniqueidentifier declare @UserAccountID uniqueidentifier declare @UserIsEnabled int declare @UserPasswordNeverExpired int declare @UserPasswordChangedOn datetime declare @UserIsAdmin int declare @UserIsSysAdmin int declare @GroupPasswordChangePeriodType int declare @CustomerID nvarchar(250) declare @TimeZone nvarchar(250) declare @DatabaseBuildVersion int exec [dbo].[tsp_LoadUserAdminUnit] @AUserName = @UserName select @DatabaseID = [ID], @ParentDatabaseID = [ParentID], @DatabaseMajorVersion = [DatabaseMajorVersion], @DatabaseMinorVersion = [DatabaseMinorVersion], @DatabaseReleaseVersion = [DatabaseReleaseVersion], @DatabaseBuildVersion = [DatabaseBuildVersion], @UseCache = [UseCache], @ServiceModifiedOn = [ServiceModifiedOn], @ServiceDeletedOn = [ServiceDeletedOn], @ServerSessionsInfo = [ServerSessionsInfo] from [dbo].[tbl_DatabaseInfo] select @UserID = [u].[ID], @UserContactID = [u].[UserContactID], @UserIsEnabled = [u].[UserIsEnabled], @UserPasswordNeverExpired = [u].[UserPasswordNeverExpired], @UserPasswordChangedOn = [u].[UserPasswordChangedOn], @ContactUserName = [c].[Name], @UserAccountID = [c].[AccountID], @AccountContactUserName = [a].[Name], @TimeZone = [c].[TimeZone] from [dbo].[tbl_AdminUnit] [u] left join [dbo].[tbl_Contact] [c] on [c].[ID] = [u].[UserContactID] left join [dbo].[tbl_Account] [a] on [a].[ID] = [c].[AccountID] where [u].[Name] = @UserName and isnull([u].[IsGroup], 0) = 0 set @UserIsSysAdmin = isnull(is_srvrolemember('sysadmin', @UserName), 0) if @UserIsSysAdmin = 1 begin set @UserIsAdmin = 1 end else begin if exists(select * from sysmembers where groupuid = user_id('db_owner') and memberuid = user_id(@UserName)) begin set @UserIsAdmin = 1 end else begin set @UserIsAdmin = 0 end end if (isnull(@UserPasswordNeverExpired,0) <> 1) begin SELECT @GroupPasswordChangePeriodType = MAX([AdminUnit].[GroupPasswordChangePeriodType]) FROM [dbo].[tbl_AdminUnit] as [AdminUnit] WHERE (isnull([AdminUnit].[IsGroup],0) = 1) AND ([AdminUnit].[ID] in ( SELECT DISTINCT [UserAdminUnit].[AdminUnitID] FROM [dbo].[tbl_UserAdminUnit] as [UserAdminUnit] WHERE ([UserAdminUnit].[UserName] = @UserName))) end else begin set @GroupPasswordChangePeriodType = 5 end select @CustomerID = [StringValue] from [dbo].[tbl_SystemSetting] where [Code] = 'CustomerID' declare @version int set @version = @@microsoftversion /0x01000000 if (@version > 8) begin if (object_id('[dbo].[tsp_fkeys]', 'P') is null) and (@UserIsSysAdmin = 0) begin raiserror ('User with sysadmin right must to login first.', 17, 1) goto result end if (@UserIsSysAdmin = 0) begin goto result end declare @sql nvarchar(4000) if not exists(select * from master.dbo.syslogins where name = 'fkeys') begin set @sql = 'create login [fkeys] with password = ''' + cast(newid() as varchar(38)) + ''', check_policy = off ' exec(@sql) if (not object_id('[dbo].[tsp_fkeys]', 'P') is null) begin exec('drop procedure [dbo].[tsp_fkeys]') end if exists(select * from sysusers where name = 'fkeys') begin exec('drop user [fkeys]') end end if not exists(select * from sysusers where name = 'fkeys') begin exec('create user [fkeys] for login [fkeys]') end exec sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'fkeys' declare @loginsid varbinary(85) set @loginsid = (select sid from master.dbo.syslogins where loginname = 'fkeys' and isntname = 0) if exists (select * from sysusers where name = 'fkeys' and issqluser = 1 and sid <> @loginsid) begin exec sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'fkeys', 'fkeys' end if object_id('[dbo].[tsp_fkeys]', 'P') is null begin set @sql = ' create procedure [dbo].[tsp_fkeys](' + char(13) + ' @pktable_name sysname = null, ' + char(13) + ' @pktable_owner sysname = null, ' + char(13) + ' @pktable_qualifier sysname = null, ' + char(13) + ' @fktable_name sysname = null, ' + char(13) + ' @fktable_owner sysname = null, ' + char(13) + ' @fktable_qualifier sysname = null ) ' + char(13) + ' with execute as ''fkeys'' ' + char(13) + ' as ' + char(13) + ' begin ' + char(13) + ' exec [sp_fkeys] @pktable_name, @pktable_owner, @pktable_qualifier, ' + char(13) + ' @fktable_name, @fktable_owner, @fktable_qualifier ' + char(13) + ' end' exec (@sql) grant execute on [dbo].[tsp_fkeys] to public end if object_id('[dbo].[tsp_GetIsObjectExists]', 'P') is null begin set @sql = ' create procedure [dbo].[tsp_GetIsObjectExists] ' + char(13) + ' @ObjectName nvarchar(80), ' + char(13) + ' @SQLObjectName nvarchar(2) ' + char(13) + ' with execute as ''fkeys'' ' + char(13) + ' AS ' + char(13) + ' BEGIN ' + char(13) + ' select Count(*) ' + char(13) + ' from [sysobjects] ' + char(13) + ' where name = @ObjectName ' + char(13) + ' and type = @SQLObjectName ' + char(13) + ' END ' exec (@sql) grant execute on [dbo].[tsp_GetIsObjectExists] to public end end result: select getdate() AS [LoginDateTime], @DatabaseID as [DatabaseID], @ParentDatabaseID as [ParentDatabaseID], @DatabaseMajorVersion as [DatabaseMajorVersion], @DatabaseMinorVersion as [DatabaseMinorVersion], @DatabaseReleaseVersion as [DatabaseReleaseVersion], @DatabaseBuildVersion as [DatabaseBuildVersion], @UseCache as [UseCache], @ServiceModifiedOn as [ServiceModifiedOn], @ServiceDeletedOn as [ServiceDeletedOn], @ServerSessionsInfo as [ServerSessionsInfo], @UserID as [UserID], @UserName as [UserName], @UserContactID as [UserContactID], @ContactUserName as [ContactName], @UserAccountID as [AccountID], @AccountContactUserName as [AccountName], @UserIsEnabled as [UserIsEnabled], @UserPasswordNeverExpired AS [UserPasswordNeverExpired], @GroupPasswordChangePeriodType as [GroupPasswordChangePeriodType], @UserPasswordChangedOn as [UserPasswordChangedOn], @UserIsAdmin as [UserIsAdmin], @UserIsSysAdmin as [UserIsSysAdmin], @CustomerID as [CustomerID], @TimeZone as [TimeZone] end
Aslo you will see the other problem after such migration. At first run you will see that Workspace will not initialize
And after switching the section workspace will appear correctly
The reason of this behavior is difference in Initialize functions in scr_Main
In scr_Main edit function amiAccountsOnExecute
var CurrentWorkspaceWindow = wndWorkspace.Window; if (CurrentWorkspaceWindow) { StopOrRefreshWebDetail(CurrentWorkspaceWindow, false); }
insead of
var CurrentWorkspaceWindow = wndWorkspace.Window; if (!CurrentWorkspaceWindow) { return; } StopOrRefreshWebDetail(CurrentWorkspaceWindow, false);
In result you will get:
function amiAccountsOnExecute(ActionMenuItem) { var WorkspaceUSI = ActionMenuItem.Tag; var DoRefreshWorkspace = (Main.WorkspaceUSI == WorkspaceUSI); if (!DoRefreshWorkspace) { // var CurrentWorkspaceWindow = wndWorkspace.Window; // if (!CurrentWorkspaceWindow) { // return; // } var CurrentWorkspaceWindow = wndWorkspace.Window; if (CurrentWorkspaceWindow) { StopOrRefreshWebDetail(CurrentWorkspaceWindow, false); } //StopOrRefreshWebDetail(CurrentWorkspaceWindow, false); } ShowWorkspace(WorkspaceUSI); ....
In my case I tried to update binaries from 3.3.1 XRM+ServiceDesk. in XRM 3.3.1 you had the section called OfferingMovement
In 3.4.0 this section moved to XRM Distribution therefore you will have to buy this product (OfferingMovement) seperately