Ошибка схемы связаная с SVN

При потыке вернуть изменения назад:


При работе с хранилищем произошла ошибка

Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with '\icl_package', work item 162 (file-install Resources/ICLCars1Section.ClientUnit/resource.ru-RU.xml 1 0 1 1)


RootCause: ������� �� ������� ����� ��������� ����.


При попытке ее удалить:

При работе с хранилищем произошла ошибка

Previous operation has not finished; run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted



При сохранении схемы:


Ошибка сохранения: При работе с хранилищем произошла ошибка


Как мне исправить данную проблему?

Как вариант пока работаю через файловую систему.. но ошибка не ушла.


1 комментарий

Тут обсуждают причины такого же поведения SVN и дают советы:

Thanks to this reference for a solution that worked on Mac with svn installed via brew.

cd {work-dir-base}
sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "delete from work_queue"

Here is another blog entry dealing with this issue.

Found a solution. That is to delete the folder through svn on the windows box that contained the badly named file. This must tell svn to not bother updating that folder if it sees a local delete that has not yet been committed. If you do this be sure to back up your files first so you can recreate the folder and add all the files again (named properly of course).

I have also faced a similar problem:

I have deleted a local folder (for which svn files were checked out). After this none of the svn commands were working fine, even from cmd prompt(admin), also svn cleanup was not working.


  1. I have created a dummy file, for which the error 'svn: E155009: Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with' is coming.
  2. Then I have run svn cleanup in cmd line, found the same error in that a file couldn't be read
  3. Repeated the above steps for the file not found in step2.
  4. svn cleanup, it works!

и ещё ряд других возможных причин и способов решения.

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